The West Pomeranian Agricultural Advisory Center

The West Pomeranian Agricultural Advisory Center was established on the basis of the Regional Advisory Center for Agricultural and Rural Development in Barzkowice and the Agricultural Advisory Center in Koszalin. Pursuant to the Act, the West Pomeranian Agricultural Advisory Center is a state organizational unit with legal personality, providing agricultural consultancy covering activities in the field of agriculture, rural development, agricultural markets and rural households, aimed at improving the level of agricultural income and increasing the market competitiveness of farms, supporting sustainable development of rural areas, as well as improving the professional qualifications of farmers and other inhabitants of rural areas. The introduced act unifies and organizes the functioning of advisory services as an institution, but does not introduce changes to the work and functioning of advisers. Field advisers work according to the current rules, the offices of branches in the field also remain unchanged.


Innovations in agriculture, ProEcofarm is the name of the project of the consortium agreement signed on March 10, 2020 by ZODR in Barzkowice as part of supporting innovative solutions through the "Cooperation" measure and the network for innovation in agriculture and rural areas (SIR).

AlgaSol consortium agreement signed by ZODR in Barzkowice as part of supporting innovative solutions through the action "Cooperation" and the network for innovation in agriculture and rural areas (SIR)