West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin

WFaculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture

    Activities of the Faculty of Environmental Management and Agriculture focus on renewable energy solutions: research in the field of obtaining, processing and using environmentally friendly energy sources. It is possible thanks to equipping laboratories with the most modern apparatus.

These devices are also used in teaching, primarily in educating students in the field of renewable energy. The curriculum of these studies places great emphasis on practical exercises - fuel cells, a solar-wind power plant with an energy storage, a methane fermentation chamber, a PV installation with a follow-up system, a hybrid installation for the production of microalgae biomass intended for energy purposes.

Prof. A. Koniuszy at the dynamometric stand

These stations have been designed to enable remote control and control of the operating parameters of the devices installed there. Classes can therefore be conducted in the online system with the use of an IT network. The work of selected installations is presented on an ongoing basis on a large-format screen located in the hall of the didactic building and is available not only from desktop computers, but also from smartphones and tablets - explains Prof. Małgorzata Hawrot-Paw, research and teaching worker at the Department of Renewable Energy Sources Engineering.

Prof. M. Hawrot-Paw at the installation for the production of microalgae biomass, which in the unit are used for the production of advanced biofuels, but can also be successfully used as valuable food and feed additives, as biofertilizers or biostimulants.

    Our Department is also the originator and, together with the Association of Polish Mechanics Engineers and Technicians, organizes energy courses ending with a state examination. This year, for the first time, certificates authorizing the assembly of electrical installations up to 1 kV were handed over, thanks to which our graduates will be equipped with additional competences. The timeliness of our activities has been appreciated by the experts of the 6th edition of the competition and accreditation program of the fields of study "Studies with the Future", in which the field of renewable energy sources was recognized as future-oriented and received a certified quality mark. The aim of the competition is to promote fields of study that are conducted according to modern education programs and that respond well to the needs of graduates related to the labor market. The quality mark obtained by us confirms not only the high level of education, but also an incentive for high school graduates to study at our faculty. We are proud that we have managed to create a course that enjoys such great interest among future students - said prof. Adam Koniuszy, head of the Department of Renewable Energy Sources Engineering.