Project 2.3.6, Polish Agency for Enterprise Development


Vivende Sp. z o.o. implements a project entitled Mechanical-electronic system for managing the beehive as part of the project 2.3.6. Grants for Eurogrants Operational Program 2014-2020, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund

The subject of the Project is a mechanical and electronic system for bee hive management. There will be artificial frames in the hive to allow the removal of honey without taking the frame out of the hive, the artificial frame consisting of hexagonal cells and composed of four parts, two of which are movable relative to each other. The moving parts are made of metal (copper) and are moved against the inner walls of the frame, causing the flow of honey from the cells. Knives with a brush for uncapping honey are attached to the outer walls in the middle part. The entire system is supported by an IT management system. The results of the project: innovative hives, data collection system, scientific research and publications, consultancy in the field of bee breeding based on modern technologies.

Project budget:

Total budget: 225 437,00 zł

Support amount: 225 437,00 zł

Project M16 Cooperation in agriculture


Vivende Sp. z o.o. implements the project entitled Obtaining Top quality honey produced in the sustainable environment of a smart hive ensuring better bee colony health

Project budget:

Total budget: 2 684 953,31 zł

Support amount: 2 283 612,00 zł


Vivende Sp. z o.o. implements the project entitled Obtaining Sourcing the highest quality biodynamic hay milk A2

Project budget:

Total budget: 2 502 309,92 zł

Support amount: 1 614 058,00 zł


Vivende Sp. z o.o. implements the project entitledImplementation of ensiled feed raw materials of domestic origin in the production of feed for slaughter turkeys

Project budget:

Total budget: 5 355 393,48 zł

Support amount: 4 246 733,00 zł


Vivende Sp. z o.o. project to develop innovative technology to produce high protein feed using microalgae biomass as substrate

Project budget:

Total budget: 2 652 578,22 złzł

Support amount: 2 206 966,05 zł


Vivende Sp. z o.o. implements the project Development of innovative technology for milk chemical composition analysis and online fermentation gas measurement sensors combined with automatic microdosing of feed additives in milking robots to reduce ammonia, methane and carbon dioxide emissions into the environment

Project budget:

Total budget: 5 414 011,22 zł

Support amount: 3 843 651,05 zł


Vivende Sp. z o.o. implements the project entitled Obtaining the highest quality culinary beef based on cattle pasture nutrition controlled by the IoT system. The main goal of the project is the implementation of Virtual fencing system.

Project budget:

Total budget: 1 635 147,36 zł

Support amount: 1 262 822,00 zł

UNDP - Let's Bee


The project Let’s Bee (Integration of new types of beehives with the transportation platform which allows to minimize beekeeper workload and maximize honey harvesting) is implemented by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) through the Polish Challenge Fund, with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland.

Projekt Let’s Bee (wdrożenie nowych rodzajów uli z platformą transportową, która pozwala zminimalizować nakład pracy pszczelarzy i zmaksymalizować pozyskiwanie miodu) realizowany jest przez Program Narodów Zjednoczonych ds. Rozwoju (UNDP) za pośrednictwem Polish Challenge Fund, przy wsparciu finansowym Ministerstwa Spraw Zagranicznych Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej.


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